Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems


  • Peter Ebinger
  • José Luis Hernández Ramos
  • Panayotis Kikiras
  • Mario Lischka
  • Alexander Wiesmaier

While smart metering is a key technology for reaching a sustainable consumption of resources, smart buildings are on their way to provide ubiquitous home automation. These technologies combine to frame a smart metering ecosystem with corresponding services and business models introducing new security challenges including privacy protection. This paper outlines a novel approach to provide customers of smart metering ecosystems with full control over their data in all areas of data collection, processing and exchange. The approach keeps the privilege model simple enough for regular users to understand how to configure their desired level of privacy. More concrete, we provide a simple, easy to use privacy dashboard that translates user input into XACML policies based on privilege modeling for this scenario. Generated XACML policies are evaluated upon receiving access requests to sensor data or actuators. Using the proposed model greatly improves user understanding and implementation of privacy rights related to smart metering ecosystems. 1 Smart Metering Ecosystem Deployment of smart meters in many parts of the world has changed the interaction between consumers and electricity providers and enables the development of new business models [1, 23]. Smart meters communicate consumption information back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes and may also be shipped with a gateway that communicates to local devices via an ad hoc network enabling communication for household devices with Internet services. The integration of smart meters, home automation systems, and an Internet connection enable new technological solutions. The resulting smart metering ecosystem may facilitate a multitude of applications and value added services (VAS). Security and privacy are a major concern in this context as these applications and services directly affect users’ everyday life and may collect a substantial amount of sensitive data. An abstract view of the stakeholders contributing to a smart metering ecosystem and their interactions is shown in Fig. 1. There are three groups of stakeholders involved in the smart metering system: consumer, smart grid and valued added services. In the following, we take a closer look at the stakeholders involved in the three groups. Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems 121 The consumer group is the link between the smart grid and value added services. The consumer is on the top of the ecosystem – consuming electricity but also value added services. They provide the most important asset of the future to the other stakeholders: user data. This includes metering data which is, for example, used for billing by the electricity provider but also additional sensor data that can be used by value added services. The smart grid’s primary function is to provide electricity to the consumer. There are several players involved in this process – from the electricity producer via transmission and distribution networks to the consumer. Increasingly a number of microgeneration plants and local storage add new capabilities to the electricity grid. Fig. 1. Stakeholders of a Smart Metering Ecosystem A new group of stakeholders providing value added services to the consumer is emerging into the ecosystem. This goes hand in hand with the evolution of homes into smart buildings where vendors of home automation systems provide the infrastructure that enables new applications. New business models are required to address the new challenges and enable new application scenarios and trusted third parties are required in such an open ecosystem to enable the trustworthy interaction of the different parties. Regulators may set the legal basis to assure that the privacy of users is sufficiently protected. Value added services may provide an analysis of energy consumption and guidance to save energy. Such kind of services get a detailed insight on the users’ behavior, thus there is an increasing interest to guideline the usage of their private data has to be addressed. While the expressiveness of existing policy language can model the required privileges, a common user could hardly specify them. Thus we have to enable the user to model the privileges in an easy way and transform them into concrete policies which are evaluated to decide on access requests. 122 P. Ebinger et al. 2 Challenges and Problems Regarding Security and Privacy This new ecosystem poses unique problems for all stakeholders. Some risks are induced by mixing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the existing physical infrastructure, which brings vulnerabilities from the ICT world to this field ranging from cyber-attacks on the infrastructure devices to the inappropriate use of the data collected by the smart meters. Smart meters are expected to attract malicious hackers due to the fact that the exploitation of their vulnerabilities can immediately produce significant gains to those that employ them (e.g. by minimizing energy costs). This type of fraud already exists in this area, called meter inversion [14], but it is expected to bloom with the further adaptation of smart metering devices. Other threats deriving from the ICT world are meter bots, distributed denial-of-service attacks, usage loggers, smart meter rootkits, meter-based viruses, and other malware that will target both individuals and energy providers [17]. Threats to the VAS portion of the ecosystem are expected to follow threat patterns of cloud services, therefore risks of data loss or leakage of data, account or service hijacking and service outage must be expected and mitigations for this kind of threats must be considered. The ability of various stakeholders of the ecosystem to collect data linkable to consumers can have significant impact to customer privacy. Energy use information can reveal users’ habits and behavior (e.g. TV program you are watching [9]). Additionally, data collected by other sensors such as presence, motion, light, contact and so on can further reveal consumer’s activities [18]. By performing analysis on the collected data it is possible to infer attributes such as presence or absence of an individual in the household which in turn might induce further risks. Furthermore, data collection, aggregation and storage should be visible to the user and access to the collected data must be allowed only with her or his consent to avoid conflicts with the basic rights and privacy of individuals. In order to enable these services new security and privacy solutions are required. The user needs simple-to-use mechanisms that provide a transparent view on all data that is collected and processed within such an ecosystem. The user should be in perfect control of which data is collected, how it is processed and which data is exchanged with which third parties (e.g. for providing value added services). 3 Abstract Architecture We define an abstract architecture to describe the dependencies and interactions between the components based on our experiences in the PeerEnergyCloud project. The layered structure of a smart metering ecosystem is shown in Fig. 2. The device tier consists of devices that passively or actively interact with the target area (usually a building) that they are distributed across. Examples are electricity meters, motion 1 Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems 123 detectors, and gas valves. The management tier consists of devices managing and coordinating the information flow from and to the device tier. While the smart metering gateway manages legal-for-trade data, the home portal manages other data and commands. The service tier consists of applications that make use of smart meters, sensors, or actuators via a gateway or portal. Examples are local power consumption analysis and neighborhood watch applications. The user tier consists of entities that make use of the services provided by the service tier. Example users are home owners and power suppliers. Fig. 2. Smart Metering Ecosystem Architecture We now explain how the wireless sensor network value chain roles defined in [11] map to the architecture shown in Fig. 2 and to the stakeholders outlined in Fig. 1. An infrastructure owner owns (parts of) the deployed metering, sensor, or actuator infrastructure including any required networking infrastructure. The role infrastructure owner, located in the device tier (Fig. 2), maps to stakeholders in the smart grid group (Fig. 1). A content provider is located in the management tier and is the mediator between data sources and data sinks. As it provides the smart metering gateway or the home portal, it overlaps with the role infrastructure owner and also maps to stakeholders in the smart grid group. Service providers supply users with services based on content compiled by content providers. They are located in the service tier and map to stakeholders in the value added services group. The user is an entity that consumes information (ranging from raw over processed to enhanced data). Users are located in the user tier and map to stakeholders in the consumer group. Trusted third parties have access to (portions of) data for regulatory purposes or other legal uses. They are considered part of the smart metering ecosystem, but are not part 124 P. Ebinger et al. of the previously introduced tiers. Trusted third parties can be mapped to stakeholders in the consumer, smart grid, or value added services groups. Other actors in the service chain such as infrastructure equipment vendors also exist, but are out of scope of the work at hand as they never come in contact with user data. Thus, they are not reflected in the architecture and are not mapped to stakeholders. 4 User-Controlled Access to Private Sensor Data The home portal allows us to provide data for additional services ranging from assistant living to trading energy. While these services require sampling data at a specific frequency to fulfill their service, the tendency is to get the data as detailed as possible, impacting the inhabitants’ privacy. There have been approaches to extract this kind of information from the smart metering data through disaggregation of activities. It has been shown in [6] that a lower sampling rate will diminish the accuracy of the disaggregation. In order to address these privacy issues we have to enable the house owner to model his privacy preferences in an easily defined manner. Under this scenario local and remote services could utilize the home portal to access data provided by sensors or to trigger actuators. It is eminent that this interface will require tight controls and granted access must be aligned with the interests of the owner or tenant of the house or apartment (called user in the following). While specifying complex access rights is not feasible, the main constraint is to enable a layperson, uneducated in policy language, to express the privileges regarding usage of sensor data collected in her or his household. Thus an intuitive interface which enables a user to specify privileges to the desired level of detail is required. There already exists a few approaches to model policies more intuitively, but as discussed in Section 5, they are not applicable to this scenario, as they are utilizing proprietary policy languages or cryptographic approaches allowing only a limited granularity of information. As indicated in Fig. 3 user input from the privacy dashboard is transformed into statements in a given policy language. These policy statements are then used to evaluate access requests from various applications. Actual details of this transformation are discussed in section 4.2. Generated policies are stored and utilized by the policy decision point to decide on access requests. These requests are based on intercepted data requests regarding all forms of information handled through the home portal. In order to make our approach as open as possible XACML [21] is used as the policy decision language, as its expressiveness allows full coverage of all necessary aspects for our application scenarios. 2 While the study has been done on water consumption, the underlying technology allows a transfer to electric consumption and disaggregation. 3 At this stage we do not differentiate between different family members and their rights. Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems 125 Fig. 3. Privilege Modeling 4.1 Privilege Modeling In the current version of the privacy dashboard shown in Fig. 4 deployed sensors and devices are presented to the user in a hierarchical fashion grouped first by the sensor type (motion, temperature, etc.) and within this group according to actual sensor location. While this layout reflects logical structure according to types of information requested from each application, it can easily be modified or adapted. Future adaptation might include information regarding the requested sampling rate of the service, or the sampling rate required for a particular service level. In case we have more specific settings by the user (e.g. temperature reading from the living room) the more general privileges (i.e. general temperature or any sensor) are overridden. An application may ask for current values (labeled anytime) or for the averages with a particular granularity (i.e. during the last hour, day week or month). It is implied that when access is granted for one specific granularity, access to coarser granularity is granted as well. In the above example weekly access is explicitly granted, but access to monthly overviews is also given, as the application can already calculate this value based on existing privileges. For any registered applications the user may define exceptions to general privileges, enabling more detailed access to trustworthy ones, or restricting access to a minimum for those the user is in doubt of. 4 The current framework does not include the exchange of these details between the home portal and the services. 126 P. Ebinger et al. 4.2 Transformation into XACML Policies According to previously defined Privilege Modeling the Policy Generator is responsible for transformation of user-defined privileges into XACML policies. In this section we describe how this entity establishes a mechanism that allows users to define access control policies in a simplistic manner without suffering any loss of expressivity provided by XACML. Under the XACML data model [21] the definition of access control policies is based on three elements: PolicySet, Policy and Rule. A PolicySet may contain other PolicySets and Policy’s, whereas a Policy includes a set of Rules, specifying an Effect (Permit or Deny), as a result of applying that Rule for a particular request. Because different Rules might be applicable to a certain authorization request, XACML defines Combining Algorithms in order to reconcile multiple decisions. The Target sections of these elements defines the set of resources, subjects, actions and environment to which the PolicySet, Policy or Rule are intended to be applied. Fig. 4. Privacy Dashboard The definition of the Privacy Dashboard together with the specified structure of XACML policies, favors a direct translation of the privileges model displayed to users into a machine-readable specification as sketched in Fig. 5. For the translation we assume that the set of sensors (their specific type and location) are currently fixed, but could be extended with additional or more fine grained location information at any Privacy in Smart Metering Ecosystems 127 time. The granularity regarding the aggregated information is predefined as discussed in the previous section. The definition of the Privacy Dashboard together with the specified structure of XACML policies, favors a direct translation of the privileges model displayed to users into a machine-readable specification as sketched in Fig. 5. For the translation we assume that the set of sensors (their specific type and location) are currently fixed, but could be extended with additional or more fine grained location information at any time. The granularity regarding the aggregated information is predefined as discussed in the previous section. Fig. 5. Sketch of an XACML Policy While the top-level XACML PolicySet distinguishes between the different access Action(s), the next level distinguishes between different types of sensors modeled as resources (line 4, 10, 22, 24) and identified through regular expressions. For, a Policy element (line 5) is specified for each pair (sensor type, location), as well as a default Policy (line 12ff) in order to add or remove privileges to all sensors of the same type or in general (line 25ff). Due to the usage of the first-applicable combining algorithm the default Policy is only evaluated in case the previously listed detailed policy does 128 P. Ebinger et al. not match. The level of detail to which information on a specific sensor type and location is provided is expressed through Rule elements as well as exceptions for particular applications (line14f). The privacy of sensor data is determined by the privileges defined by the users via the Privacy Dashboard. The way we have specified the XACML policy, facilitates an effective management of the access control model. In particular, when a user tries to add or remove privileges on sensor data, the schema will only be modified at the Rule level. As we use the first-applicable combining algorithm exceptions are added at the beginning of the appropriate Policy, and for the general privileges, new rules are put just below the exceptions. According to the XACML structure sketched in Fig. 5, in order to consider not explicitly stated sensor types and locations, default policies have been defined. For example the default policies for temperature (line 12-18) and for all sensors (line 2531) are shown. In cases where users want to indicate privileges for a new particular sensor type or location, no substantial changes on the schema are required. These situations can be addressed by specifying new PolicySet and Policy elements on the predefined model.

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